Famous Islamic TV channel

 A few months ago I saw a clip of a famous Islamic TV channel in which a child asks if there will be internet in heaven.

 So the TV anchor was stunned and looked at the child as if he had asked a very stupid question; What does heaven have to do with the internet or any such technology? This is the world!

I was very surprised to see this clip and remembered my mother. In my childhood, my late mother used to tell me about good deeds, their rewards and punishments for bad deeds. One of these things was that whatever you wish for in heaven will be fulfilled. 

What you think will come to you. In childhood, eating and drinking is the greatest asset, so to explain, they say that if you want to eat something, it will come to you like a fruit or anything. That means you don't have to do any hard work or run for it, just your wish is fulfilled.

At that time, such an environment could onlybe imagined, but one thing is for sure, there was a belief that it would happen, but there was no idea how it would happen. But now with the advancement in technology these things seem practical. First came the advent of the TV remote control and by pressing its buttons from a distance, the TV was turned on or off or its other buttons worked. 

Then it got involved in many other things like toy cars, then toy ships and after a few years big drones started being operated by remote control technology. Similarly, after the advent of mobile phones, it was like a revolution, just match the numbers and talk wirelessly to people sitting seven oceans away. 

Then the smart phone changed the world. Also Voice (Voice Command)And motion sensor-driven technology came along, giving way to remote control. Now here you took the order out of the tongue, there the order began to be obeyed.

Nowadays, you control many of your devices with voice commands, including bulbs, fans, doors and many other things that turn on and off with the command of your tongue. 

The mobile phone performs many tasks by following your command, from searching and connecting calls to opening and closing apps, in which you can monitor your home, shop or office from afar, and there is a total of parts on and off. can do The advancement of technology and its acceptance is a major achievement of our time. At this time, the world is called a global village. 

If there is an important event or a discovery anywhere in the world, usually within a few minutes, it is known in every corner of the world and then people also believe that it is possible. 

Today, people with disabilities are being fitted with artificial limbs, which are connected to the nervous system. 

Thus man moves them through his thoughts like real organs. Neurallink to this technology. It is being said and after it becomes common, perhaps every human being will be able to do the same things in normal life with the help of their thoughts that they are doing today with voice commands like turning on and off bulbs, fans, TV etc. or any To make things work, you only have to think and it will happen. 

It is human thought and discovery that makes such wonderful technology making human life easier by making but Allah, who created this universe and man, his technology will certainly be very advanced, rather if it is said that it will be the end of technology through which the desire of man in paradise will be fulfilled immediately. 

will be done Examples of such technology are in front of us since 1400 years ago but we are unable to reach their height and spirit due to the lowness of our minds and thoughts. A few are as follows. 

1. Incident of Miraj: Incident of Miraj was rather a masterpiece of technology itself. In which Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was made to travel beyond the limits of time and space to the end of the universe in a few moments of the night.

• Today, scientists are working on a similar technology called "Wormhole" and its theme is that if humans succeed in this, it will be possible to travel to a galaxy within a few hours of the world, but it Implementation may still take centuries or millennia. 

• The movie "Interstellar" features a wormhole and in that movie a character spends about 2 years in space and stays young, while 80 years pass on Earth.

2. When Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ was asked the details of Bayt al-Maqdis in Makkah on his return from Miraj, the Al-Quds Mosque was brought before him, and he ﷺ explained all the details of it. 

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Then the mosque was brought (before me), I was looking at it until it was placed near the door of Aqal or Aqeel, I began to describe it and I was looking at it. (Hadith al-Salsultah Sahih 2192)". 

• Perhaps it was a high-tech multi-dimensional hologram of Bait-ul-Maqdis that was placed in front of the Holy Prophet, after seeing which he would have told the details of Al-Quds.

 • A hologram is a virtual 3D model of an object that you can see from all around, rather than from the front, as compared to a screen. Experiments on holograms are going on successfully. 

You can guess what a hologram is when you see it in the "Star Wars" movie.

 3. During the ascension event, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ saw four rivers from the heights of the sky; About two of which he was told that they are the Nile and the Euphrates (Sahih Bukhari, 3887).

While the same thing was told by Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ 1400 years ago. Could anyone have imagined then that centuries later the same objects would ever be seen from space in the same way?

4. On the Day of Resurrection, where billions and trillions of people will gather in one field, it has been said that Hell will be brought before the sinners "And that will be the day when We will bring Hell before the disbelievers; (Al-Qur'an, Surah Al-Kahf) 100)". 

How is this possible? While according to the hadith, its heat can be felt from 500 years away, which means that hell will probably be much hotter and bigger than the sun when its heat can be felt from such a distance.

 Perhaps on the Day of Judgment there will be a multi-dimensional hologram or a huge screen with a million gigabytes of speed on which the hell will be shown to the people of Hell in the Maidan al-Hashr before they go to hell. There will be people of Paradise in the field of judgment, and in the same way Paradise will be brought before them.will, nothing will go away; Surah Q, 31). 

Or perhaps the dimensions of time and space in the next world will be different from our world and just as today's world is a global village, in the hereafter the distances will shrink despite the distances.

 • It may not be possible to visualize it properly but by watching magical movies like "Harry Potter" etc. one can imagine such things as actors' bodies move across a screen to reach another world. 

5. On the day of Mahshar, the Book of Deeds will be placed in the hand, in which every particle of good and every particle of evil done throughout the life will be recorded (Surah Al-Zalzalah). 

Books of biographies of people in the world, including themOnly special accounts of people's lives are recorded and consist of several hundred pages, while in the book of deeds there will be a moment-to-moment story of a person's life. So guess how thick the book will be.

 Will it be a paper book? No, but perhaps it will be a very advanced mobile or iPad type device that will contain a holographic presentation of a person's entire life and will be controlled by the human mind, with which a person can record the actions of a moment in their life. 

He will find it present and alive and will be able to turn it around easily with his thoughts.

6. When Paradise and Hell will be inhabited, then their inhabitants will also talk to each other (Surah Al-A'raf, verses 44 to 50). It is said in the hadith that "Jannat has a hundred levels and the distance between each level is as much as between the sky and the earth (Jami'i Tirmidhi 2531 and others)" and "There are many paradises (Sahih Bukhari 3982)".

 It seems thatHeaven will probably consist of hundreds of planets and an entire universe; Naturally, hell should be far away from them, so how can the people of heaven and hell see each other and talk face to face? I think this communication will also be through a very large and powerful but two-sided screen that will be connected to the very high-tech Internet and people on both sides will be able to talk to each other as if they were face to face.

7.  Jannatis will be given palaces and kingdoms or fiefdoms. The meaning of the hadith is that the Gentiles will be able to see all parts of their tent (or palace) while others cannot. Perhaps the Gentiles will be able to monitor their kingdoms with the help of high-tech CCTV. Because heaven will not be limited like the earth, but it will be as vast as the "heavens and the earth". 

Rather, that time will be the masterpiece of technology and the universe of that time will be the paradise of paradise.Therefore, I request the youth of today, instead of wasting their time by playing games on the internet and other useless things, prepare for heaven where the internet will be unlimited and touch the vastness of the universe. 

"Run and try to outrun one another to the forgiveness of your Lord and to Paradise, the expanse of which is like the heavens and the earth, provided for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. This Allah is the Bounty, He bestows upon whom He wills, and Allah is the Most Bountiful (Surah Al-Hadid)” And Allah knows best. My Lord, accept me, for You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.


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