Story time 😂


Story time 😂 yall kno I always gotta funny story to tell soo I’m going to the store i walk out a dude ask me a ?  About dogs I’m like huh then his girl like u wanna buy some dogs I’m like my ppl might she like bet I try to give her dude my number she like nah imma take yours⛳️ mind u she staring hard asf from the passenger soo I give the number and she text me same hour bout the dogs I ignore it she hmu again asking if I’m interested i ignore it she called me today I didn’t save it soo i answered thinking it’s a important call why it’s her talking about some she cheat & she bout to send me some attachments 🤦🏾🤦🏾 😭  just made my trust issues even worse lmaoo...


I have to have a bit of time to process things, so when I woke up yesterday to numerous texts and phone calls (I keep my phone on silent when I sleep) telling me that our friend Richard had passed away, I was in shock. I thought about Richard all day long and worried about his wife LaDonna Culp Wilson . I have lost a husband and didn't text her right away because I knew how overwhelmed she was. All the thoughts came together tonight. Our friends David and Stephanie had invited us for a small bonfire. They are also friends of Ladonna and Richard. The gathering was definitely subdued. However, as the night went on, stories of Richard came out. Everyone had a story about something Richard had told them about his growing up, a learning story, a funny story and also ways to help us in our life. He has helped all of us in some way, whether it be picking up and delivering something for us or recommending a source for us. 

Richard was outgoing and sometimes loud and boisterous. That was Richard and we loved him for it. 

My favorite Richard was different. I don't like crowds, so when our hangouts would get crowded, I would drift outside (cold, hot, rainy, it didn't matter) and almost always, Richard was sitting outside, usually at the farthest table from the door and we could just chill and talk. Of course he always had a funny story to share and a bit of sarcasm. I do like that in a person! Lol I shall always miss you my friend Richard and I am here for you LaDonna.

Funny Story Time! So this dude ordered some jewelry from me. I’m sending to his daughter in another state. He text me and says, put it from me so I can use it in CS court! Man I hollered 😂


Funny lil story here. So I didn't sell my Lil Wayne tickets. I had two and I'm the type I'd rather eat the full price than to let someone talk me down to what they want to pay. Anyway, we are at the fair and I fully expect to just eat the price of both tickets at this point. 

We are in line waiting to order some smoothies and one of my Mom's friends and ex co-worker comes behind me and surprises me. We get to talkin and she mentions she's with a friend and I say "Hey, you wanna go see Lil Wayne? I'll give you the tickets I got for free, just let me know". She has to go talk to her friend first. She comes back and declines the tickets but says she has two boys that are interested and would use the tickets if we let them. I said sure, yeah idc. 

We got our drinks and walked to the line, she said she had to find the boys again then find us. So she found us in line and dropped off two teenagers. If I had to guess these cats were like 14. Destiny gets to talkin to em n come to find out it's their first concert experience n everything. WHOOOOOOLE time I'm thinking she knew these boys...

After the concert I text her and this is what followed...


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