
Showing posts from September, 2024

Causes of human suffering

The Aztecs, an ancient civilization in Central America, particularly Mexico, had a special spiritual and martial significance in their social and religious beliefs of women's motherhood. When Aztec women gave birth to children in the sixteenth century, different rituals were performed with them, depending on the sex of the child.  was born, its umbilical cord was given to the warriors to be buried in enemy territory.  The Aztecs believed that this practice would instill courage and bravery in the boy. The Aztecs said, "A daughter is to the house as the heart is to the body." If a baby girl was born, her umbilical cord was buried at home so that she would be a good wife and mother, and burying the placenta near the hearth meant that the girl's life revolved around the home and family.  .Most unique and noteworthy was that if an Aztec mother died in childbirth, she was honored like a warrior who died fighting on the battlefield. Such women were buried in special temples

Nikola Tesla registered

  Nikola Tesla registered more than 700 patents in 35 countries of the world and many of these inventions brought progress and prosperity to mankind. However, Nikola Tesla, when he died in New York, was penniless, and if he had been greedy for money, he would have been one of the richest men in the world. But unfortunately, their inventions were prevented from being used for the benefit of human beings by imperialist capitalist companies and countries. "Scientia potestas est."In 1918, Nikola Tesla developed the first electric car that regenerated electricity from the ground. It was Nikola Tesla's 1921 Pierce-Aero electric car, powered by pure etheric electricity. Tesla built it with his personal funds. Its motor was removed, leaving the clutch, gearbox and transmission to the rear wheels unimpeded. The power receiver (gravity energy converter) was built by Tesla himself. A heavy antenna, about 1.8 m long, protrudes from the converter. This antenna apparently had a Mora

Black Holes: Mysterious Cosmic Phenomena

Did you know that Hell's Gate is a natural gas crater, located in Dervish Turkmenistan. It has been burning non-stop since 1971. This amazing phenomenon began when a Soviet Russian engineer accidentally drilled a gas-filled underground cave. The ground collapsed, creating a huge hole about 70 meters in diameter and 20 meters deep. To stop the release of methane gas, scientists decided to set it on fire, thinking it would dissipate in a few days. However, the fire has been burning continuously for more than 50 years.The site has become a tourist attraction due to its impressive and surreal appearance, with flames burning day and night. Credit: De Todo in Poco .... Black Holes: Mysterious Cosmic Phenomena *What is inside a black hole?* 1. Homogeneity: A point of infinite density and zero volume. 2. Event horizon: point of no return; Once crossed, escape is impossible. *Types of Black Holes* 1. Stellar Black Holes: Formed by collapsing stars. 2. Supermassive Black Holes: Foun

The Goat Life

 **The story of the movie "Hayat Al-Maaz" (The Goat Life): A true story or an exaggeration?**  The story of the film "Hayat Al Maaz" is somewhat similar to the life of Abdullah Ali, a Yemeni citizen, who was forced to live alone in the deserts, away from his family, for 21 years. Abdullah Ali's life was full of difficulties, where he lived his life cut off from the world, without any contact, just looking after the sheep and goats. His story came to light when people accidentally met him and presented his story to the world, while his family had presumed him dead. Some say the film is exaggerated and is meant to defame Saudi Arabia. However, the situation and problems depicted in the film are only a glimpse of the conditions that countless laborers live in inhumane conditions. This film is a message of gratitude to all those who work on such important topics and bring these stories to light, which are neglected. Movies like "Hayat Al Maaz" are not onl

How to refresh the mind

Our mind How to refresh the mind. ?  When the mind is at this frequency, it is called the Beta state of mind, and the rays coming out of the mind in this state are called Beta waves. When in some part of the day we are lost in our thoughts thinking about something or an event or a fantasy, then the frequency of our brain decreases to 8 to 14 Hz. That is, the state of drowsiness is fading, even at that time our brain has the same frequency. It is called Alpha state of mind and the rays coming out in this state are called Alpha waves. Dreams also occur in this frequency. No dream comes in this frequency. Characteristics of Alpha State of mind / Alpha waves You people must have often experienced that you are thinking about a friend or loved one lost in your thoughts and suddenly at the same time that friend calls or sends a message. This happens because at this time your soul is Alpha It happens in state of mind. The rays of this frequency have so much power that they can reach thousands