Nikola Tesla registered

 Nikola Tesla registered more than 700 patents in 35 countries of the world and many of these inventions brought progress and prosperity to mankind. However, Nikola Tesla, when he died in New York, was penniless, and if he had been greedy for money, he would have been one of the richest men in the world. But unfortunately, their inventions were prevented from being used for the benefit of human beings by imperialist capitalist companies and countries.

"Scientia potestas est."In 1918, Nikola Tesla developed the first electric car that regenerated electricity from the ground.
It was Nikola Tesla's 1921 Pierce-Aero electric car, powered by pure etheric electricity.

Tesla built it with his personal funds.
Its motor was removed, leaving the clutch, gearbox and transmission to the rear wheels unimpeded. The power receiver (gravity energy converter) was built by Tesla himself.
A heavy antenna, about 1.8 m long, protrudes from the converter. This antenna apparently had a Moray converter (radiant energy!) function.
"Now we have power," said Tesla?
He said that the converter has enough power to light up an entire house and even run a car's motor. The car was tested for a week, reaching a top speed of 144 km/h without any difficulty. Someone commented that there was no gas coming out of the tail pipe. Nikola Tesla replied, "We don't have a motor."

The rock is close to the Black Hills, an area of ​​great historical and natural significance. The shape of the Dowel's Tower is unique, being a straight, towering tower that rises about 1,267 feet (386 m) above the ground, while its rock base is about 1,000 feet in diameter.

Dowell's Tower was formed about 50 million years ago when lava cooled below the Earth's surface and turned into solid rock.

According to Native American tribes, the Dowell's Tower has sacred status and is associated with many folktales and spiritual beliefs. The most famous story among them is that at one time a few local girls ran away and took refuge here, and to protect them the ground rose up and took the form of a tower.

The local tribes still consider the area sacred for their worship and rituals, and religious ceremonies are held here every year.
The Dowell's Tower was declared America's first National Monument in 1906. This place is not only famous for its natural beauty but it is also a great place for mountaineers.


More than 500 different climbing routes are available on this tower.The Black Hills, where Dowell's Tower is located, is also known for its dense forests, wildlife, and historical sites. This area has been an important part of America's ancient history and traces everything from the discovery of gold to the history of Native American tribes.


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